1st Baptist Church
Monday, February 17, 2025
Preaching the Word of Truth (2 Tim 4:2) & CUTTING IT STRAIGHT (2 Tim. 2:15)
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Worship Services

     Sunday Bible Study

          Continental Breakfast                                  8:45 AM

          Prayer & Bible Study                                    9:00 AM

          Nursery & Pre-School  (0 yrs - Kinder)       9:00 AM

          Children                         (6 yrs - 10 yrs)       9:00 AM


     Sunday Worship Service

          Worship Service         (All Ages)               10:30 AM

          Nursery & Pre-School (0 yrs - 5 yrs)         10:30 AM

Nursery & Pre-School children can be taken to the Nursery up to ten minutes before services begin or can remain in the sanctuary, a rocking chair is provided in the back of the sanctuary for anyone needing to rock a small child during service


     Wednesday Bible Study

          Bible Study & Prayer       (Adults)               4:00 PM